On Friday, August 17th in Klaus 1447, the Center for Academic Success hosted its largest Success Summit yet. Designed as a set of workshop and panels for students the Friday before classes start, the Success Summit helps students strategize for the new semester in a collaborative environment. 103 students attended the 5-hour event, a record number, with the majority coming in as first-years at Georgia Tech. There were 43 attendants in Fall 2017 and 16 in Spring 2018.
This year, Assistant Director Beatriz Rodriguez led a workshop on “Making Time Work for you” while Academic Coach Fredrick Holloman delivered a workshop on “Mindset & Resilience.” Dr. Andrew Eichel coordinated and moderated 2 panels, one of Georgia Tech faculty and another composed of Georgia Tech student leaders. Both panels were Q&A’s aimed at providing attendants with advice and tips for succeeding academically.
Faculty participants include Dr. Richard Utz (Professor and Chair of LMC), Dr. Yuhong Fan (Associate Professor in the School of Biological Sciences and Georgia Research Alliance Distinguished Scholar), Dr. Carrie Shepler (Director of First-Year Chemistry), and Mr. Kantwon Rogers (PhD candidate in Computer Science and Instructor for CS1371: Introduction to MATLAB). The student panel consisted of Trevor Worthy (2019, Materials Science and Engineering), Talha Khawaja (2019, Physics), Maria Krakovski (2020, Neuroscience), and Fatma Rashed (2020, Biomedical Engineering).
The next Success Summit will take place Spring 2019, Friday, January 11th.
*The Success Summit is a once a semester half-day program especially designed for Tech students who want to make changes and improve academically. Students attending Summit participate in a series of workshops and panels to help them set goals for the upcoming semester. success.gatech.edu/success-summit